Strength in vulnerability

A message that I received from spirit today that maybe you will find helpful. ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“

“feel the loving energy that I extend to you and allow it to warm and soften your heart. My thoughts of you are so very tender. I want to be a refuge for you and your fears and a place of shelter when you feel that life is too much. 

Your heart’s tenderness at times makes you feel vulnerable and fearful yet it it is in this feeling of vulnerability that your strength lies. I realize that this at first seems Contradictory yet you will see this is absolutely certain and without conflict. When you allow yourself to be vulnerable, meaning you allow yourself to be present and accepting to everything, your heart is open. You know that you are safe and cannot truly be hurt for your truth is beyond the physical. For it is resistance of any type that closes the heart. 

When the heart is open you can truly see. For it is with love that you are able to understand the innocence of all. And only when you know the innocence of all can you be in your Strength. For your strength is not in physical might  but by how much and unconditionally you can love. Unconditionally being the operative word; loving all without expectation and just as it is. This is your strength for it Awakens the truth in you- that  you are in the purest sense absolutely love. This love is the highest state, the most powerful state of being.  This has even been demonstrated scientifically, for love holds the highest and most powerful frequency. 

If you find yourself in resistance or fear remember to bring your awareness TO your heart and bring the feeling of love up - it is there UNEQUIVOCALLY. Perhaps to help remember this feeling of love in a time of fear, bring to mind a loved one as this can reconnect you with your love. ESSENCE. Then allow that love to penetrate you and to fill you and allow it to extend and embrace that which you were in resistance towards. 

The choice is yours: to love, to be soft and open to everything and thus to be in your strength  or to be fearful, closed off and limited. 

We offer you much love and it is your willingness That will determine how much of our love you allow yourself to feel.”


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