What is your compass?
What is truly important to you.... what do you value most? Do you ever think about this or ask yourself this very
important question? If not, I would suggest you consider it. Knowing what is
important to us is very important as it is what guides our decisions, or it
should anyhow. So many people, when asked this question express uncertainty,
and struggle with identifying how to answer. To be able to answer this question
provides a compass for us, making decision making easier in that we have a
target. Without this, decision making can be haphazard and we often end up
disappointed with results.
Knowing what is important to us also helps us to set, in
advance, what we want the outcome to be. So, for instance, peace is important
to me, so if I set that as my goal that tends to be the outcome of my
experiences. If I want to have peace before entering a difficult situation, I
am more inclined to find peace in the situation. Our minds are POWERFUL; what
we focus on we get more of… what we want in any situation we can find.
If you have never thought about this… how about now? Here is
a list of “values” you can read through and I would suggest you consider what
do you want to guide your life? What do you want directing your decisions and
to have as the outcome of your decisions.
Remember, values are not goals…. There is no end point to a
value… it is a guide. i.e. I will never ultimately arrive to peace… it is a way
of being… not a final event.
- Authenticity
- Achievement
- Adventure
- Authority
- Autonomy
- Balance
- Beauty
- Boldness
- Compassion
- Challenge
- Citizenship
- Community
- Competency
- Contribution
- Creativity
- Curiosity
- Determination
- Fairness
- Faith
- Fame
- Friendships
- Fun
- Growth
- Happiness
- Honesty
- Humor
- Influence
- Inner
- Justice
- Kindness
- Knowledge
- Leadership
- Learning
- Love
- Loyalty
- Meaningful
- Openness
- Optimism
- Peace
- Pleasure
- Poise
- Popularity
- Recognition
- Religion
- Reputation
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Security
- Self-Respect
- Service
- Spirituality
- Stability
- Success
- Status
- Trustworthiness
- Wealth
- Wisdom
identifying what your top three (to start) are, start to consider the
decisions am I currently facing that can be better clarified by focusing on
this value, by allowing this value to inform my decision making?
in my life can I place this value as the thing I want BEFORE the actual event/experience,
so that it can be the outcome.
will my life look when I am willing to do this… to allow these values clarify
and shape the way I live? Try to imagine this for a minute to get a real feel
for it… in this way you are starting to tell your subconscious how you as a
conscious self, want your decisions and therefore your life, to be experienced.
And then vision yourself taking these actions coming from the energy, the
feeling, of this value. And then do at least one thing that is in alignment
with this value to further cement it into your subconscious mind.
keep repeating this process and watch how your life begins to change. It can
help to journal on your experiences, because when you intentionally take the
time to write about it you naturally begin to pay more attention. And the more you
pay attention and notice the changes, the more motivation increases to keep
you would like assistance and support, please reach out at kelly@kellylewishealing.com.
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