
I heard the other day someone say "there is no spirituality in control".  I really have been thinking about this.  I didn't want to just agree with it, but  not receive the depth of the meaning.  I believe that there is no fear in love, where there is love there is not fear.   And so the phrase i heard does make sense.  Because I recognize that when I am trying to control anything, be it a person, situation, even myself, then there is some element of fear there.  Spirituality, to me is love, it is growing in love, coming back to my true spiritual nature which is love.  When i am in a position where I am attempting to contorol, I am not being "in love', but rather being in fear, and hence there is no spirituality there.  If my goal is to grow spiritually and to be more whole, I  must work to overcome my control issues.  And how do I do this? By addressing my fears, and letting them go.  And how do I do this?? By recognizing that no fear can be validated. No fear is validated because at my essence I am invulnerable.  I do not have to perceive anything as fearful knowing that I can not be hurt unless i allow that into my perception. The best way to experience this, to make it real, is to center myself, to quiet my mind, and to rest in "god", that place of just being, where there is peace and a sense of oneness.

 I am going to have to practice this right after I get done writing this.  Ego, or my lower self wants me to control my feelings, avoid feeling bored or lazy, and so I am left feeling driven to get up and do do do. But my higher self is telling me to be still, let go of this control, this fear.  as i practice this,  fear will dissipate, ego will dissipate, and I will be left with the love that I am.   


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