The Lotus


The Lotus Flower: Unfoldment

Just as a lotus rises in the mud, so too does All awaken in the same fashion. There is a movement through challenges, and it strengthens inner resolve, pushing past what seemed to be unpleasurable, allowing for life to break through and bring beauty to all that behold it. Everything happens in it’s own divine timing. To be effortful in attempts to make anything happen outside of the perfect, divine design brings distress and undesirable consequences.  Take this lesson into your heart, knowing that you can trust your soul’s process of awakening. You can trust that each day is an opportunity, as through the challenging moments, you can be nourished by the gift offered, by allowing yourself to see it.  If you choose to see the gift in the mundane, you will be blessed by it. To think that you as a separate individual need to or CAN make yourself grow or to awaken will only detour the process, for you are adding your own egoic thinking to the Divine’s intention/plan. When you as a small self believe that you can control anything, you are failing to remember that in a state of controlling, that you are not remembering who you Truly are. Who you are is only trusting, only loving and without judgement or resistance. It is this willingness that allows Life to fully blossom. Allow your life to unfold just like the lotus, accepting the challenges, seeing the gift, and trusting in the process.
