New Earth

 A card for today and the message from Spirt:

New Earth: As more continue to awaken to the power they inherently have and are, and work towards “manifesting,” better lives for themselves, it is important that the focus does not become ego driven. For one can manifest all the material good they desire but continue to be unhappy. For truly, unless one knows their unlimited nature, REGARDLESS of outward circumstances, they will not know true happiness and joy. And it is when one awakens to their unlimited nature, that the true “new age,” dawns on them and they awaken to the “New earth.” The New Age and New Earth begins in each one’s own mind through their awakening to their divinity. Allow yourself then to focus on this: to being love, to knowing yourself and all as Love and without lack of any kind. Lack is only a mindset; there have been many “poor” (by the worlds’ standards), who felt more fulfilled and whole than those who are deemed “millionaires.” The New Earth IS dawning in the minds of all, and this will eventually be reflected in the physical, for as within so without. Unless all hearts and minds are healed, the New Earth is not possible, for the Earth will only reflect that which is held within the hearts and minds of all. The New Earth is but the realization that Heaven is already here and is experienced as such.
