Pain: forgetting your true Self
The key to the release from the pain, emotionally speaking, is to allow all things and to remain still in your mind. To seek for pleasure brings much grief, yet by abiding in the pure presence that is offered in each moment, your mind will remain still for you are this pure presence. It is in this stillness that peace lies.
How long will you allow yourself to deny your suffering? How long will you close yourself off to the peace, love and joy that is your true nature, your Self? The delay is unnecessary and the fear that holds you back is but the belief that losing your pain/your sense of an individuality will be a loss. Yet how can the awakening to peace that is All be a loss? It is in releasing your pain, your small separate self, that you gain ALL. All waits on you now to choose the peace of God over your pain. You are not alone in this decision for in Truth/God, which is where and what you are, there is no aloneness.
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