Healing the collective fears of separation

It has long been said that in reality we (everything) is of one mind /consciousness/spirit; poets, scientists, artists and sages have historically been pointing to this and over more recent years science is demonstrating this to a greater extent. As only ONE example, experiments have shown how two electrons in different locations communicate instantaneously (this points to there being a single consciousness that is outside of time and space that "projects" everything.) Therefore while in my conscious mind I do not believe that I hold any racist thoughts, the fact is that I am part of the collective mind, where racism, ageism, sexism etc. are rampant. That being the case it is inevitable that these beliefs/energies can and do impact me on some level!
So, where do these beliefs come from and how can they be healed? I propose that they are all manifestations of a very deep subconscious fear that is in actuality due to our inherent belief in separation (from each other and our Source be that God, All That Is, Consciousness, the Universe); we have forgotten that we are all really ONE! Because we believe that we are separate from each other and from God/Source, we feel little, weak, vulnerable, etc. We then often project this fear onto things that we believe to be "outside" of ourselves because we don't know what else to do with it and what better than to project onto people who we see as different or less than our selves. When we do this, it is believed that it will alleviate the fear and make us feel more powerful or special, when in fact the opposite occurs. Rather the fear is pushed down further, more projection needs to happen to try to alleviate it, and erratic and violent behaviors can ensue. What needs to happen then is that the collective mind needs to heal the belief in separation from each other and our Source.
There is an excellent little book called "the only little prayer you need," by Debra Engle (you can download a free pdf here). Ms. Engle describes in her book how the fear caused by the belief in separation impacts our lives, and that the prayer, "Holy Spirit, heal my fear-based thoughts," can heal our minds and bring about changes in the physical realm. I have used this prayer often and have seen the impact it has had on my life. I recognize that not everyone believes in prayer, however, it has been shown that our thoughts, feelings, and prayers do in fact have an impact even on a molecular level. I find Masaru Emoto's water experiments fascinating; he has shown that our words, prayer,s and music change the molecules of water: our positive thoughts/prayers/music directed towards the water causes it to create beautiful and coherent crystals whereas negative ones cause the molecules to become haphazard and essentially out of sync (you can watch a short and fascinating video here). Remember humans are approximately 60% water (brain and heart about 73% and the lungs 83%). I want to note that the energy and intent behind the prayers and words are what are important!
I have been led to use this following prayer to heal my mind and the collective mind. I felt inspired to share it, in hopes that others will join. There is power in our words, thoughts, energy and prayer! May we all work, not just on the physical but also on the mental and spiritual levels to bring about the healing that our planet needs!
"Mother Father God, Great Spirit, Source of all, I acknoweldge that I have deep fears in my mind that reflect my belief in separation. More than anything I want my mind and heart to be healed so that I can extend only love and be a part of the healing of the one mind of which I am a part. Holy Spirit, please heal my mind from all fear-based thoughts about separation and differences between myself and others. Please bring healing to humanity's collective fears, that have resulted in segregation, inequality and violence. Heal our fear-based thoughts so that we can all remember that in truth we are one, and that we are love. In gratitude I accept the healing that already is. And so it is."
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