I loooove synchronicities. And they seem to happen so often. yesterday at unity church in bay city, rev. greg spoke about beginnings, middles and ends. It was a really emotional time. He talked about how ego wants to keep us struck, and so when there is a point in our lives that should be an ending we are very reluctant, because we don't like change, often. yet it is so necessary to gracefully accept the end, in fact i would say embrace it, knowing that the end means there is a beginning to follow. however, that is when we sometimes get in the waiting period, which is the middle. it is when we are waiting for the beginning, the new, and it can sometimes feel crazy and scary. it is the middle i think that really makes the ends so hard sometimes to accept. if the beginning could be instantaneous it would be much easier. but i guess that's where faith comes into play. he mentioned the importance of letting go, accepting the ending, so that the God in us, the divine in us can grow, so that it can expand. as this is the nature of the divine, expansion. but if i am holding onto something that needs to end, i can not grow. he referenced the passage in the bible about old wineskins and new wineskins, and how an old wineskin will burst if new wine is put in it. this message really spoke to me, as i know there are things in my life i have held onto, that I KNOW i need to let go of, but have been fearful. but i can feel the NEW waiting to come forth. like a butterfly!
so the syncrhonistic part of this is that today as i was walking down by the river, i was listening to an i-pod, this yoga program i enjoy. and the guest speaker began to talk about the same exact thing, referencing the same passage of scripture. i was amazed, awed, and felt so much love and life. i really believe that synchronicities are confirmations. that we are on the right path, that we are in the flow. i began to cry. i had made the conscious decision to make some changes yesterday, and i believe i was blessed with the confirmation of this today. life is beautiful today. everyday. today i feel an ever abundant amount of joy that no thing, nothing, has every supplied. i am eternally grateful for what i have been given. i so much believe in the importance of gratitude. i am grateful!
so the syncrhonistic part of this is that today as i was walking down by the river, i was listening to an i-pod, this yoga program i enjoy. and the guest speaker began to talk about the same exact thing, referencing the same passage of scripture. i was amazed, awed, and felt so much love and life. i really believe that synchronicities are confirmations. that we are on the right path, that we are in the flow. i began to cry. i had made the conscious decision to make some changes yesterday, and i believe i was blessed with the confirmation of this today. life is beautiful today. everyday. today i feel an ever abundant amount of joy that no thing, nothing, has every supplied. i am eternally grateful for what i have been given. i so much believe in the importance of gratitude. i am grateful!
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