How to truly clear toxicity
Toxicity is a word that I hear often… in regard to relationships, environments, energy bodies, physical bodies, food, water, etc.
When I think about this concept, and consider it being an effect of something, I am reminded to go to ACIM’s definition of cause and effect. There it reminds us that God is the ONLY cause and that WE are the effect, further that only what God creates is “real.” I have done mental battles over this concept of “real” and what I have concluded is that by “real” it is referring to that which does not change… so anything in the physical then is not ULTIMATELY real… including “toxicity.” Does “Toxicity” impact us on a physical level? Sure of course. But this is not the absolute reality. And true healing or change comes from going to the Truth, and remembering the ultimate truth of God. Therefore we cannot really clear up toxicity by addressing it at the physical level. As Einstein said, “we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that was used to create them."
In considering how to handle “toxicity” then in its’ multiple forms, we can remember that ACIM tells us that there is only ONE PROBLEM and ONE SOLUTION: the one problem being our belief in separation/fear and the one solution returning to the awareness of oneness/Love. How simple things become when I can go back to this fundamental teaching. The ONLY problem is following the dictates of the ego which tells us that we are separate from God and each other, rather than Spirit which reminds us of our oneness with All. When I or anyone is listening to the ego, we fill our minds with fear, guilt and shame and this is “toxic” to our awareness of our truth as Spirit/God/Love and becomes the barrier to the awareness of loves’ presence; our true Essence. This toxicity will then absolutely be manifested or projected into our physical experience; "as within so without."
And so, to address “toxicity” whether it is in relationship,
environment, bodies… WHATEVER is to clear the toxicity from our minds by returning
our minds to the truth of Love’s ever abiding presence. When we do this over
and over and over, slowly the residue begins to clear and love shines through
and in this our relationships begin to shift, our energy bodies become clearer,
our physical health improves and even though it may not be readily visible we
heal the environment as well when we clear our minds. It is only in our
illusionary experience of time and space that the environment needs healing..
this is only an appearance.. behind which is the Divine light and perfection, which
is the same light and perfection of all. When we align our hearts and minds with Love/God, we will be guided as to how best respond to anything and know that with Love guiding us it will lead to the highest outcome for all.
To accept that we change the outer by focusing on the inner
is a fundamental shift in thinking and beware the ego will resist it. By turning
within and allowing our minds to heal through our acceptance of Divine Love the
ego becomes fearful (the ego is fear) and will do what it can to resist any
change, even change that will ultimately free us. And so, recognize the fear of
going within to promote true change, know that it is the ego that will make you
want to focus only on the outer, and trust that by returning to Love the
toxicity will clear and life will become a reflection of the same.
If you would like help returning your mind to love, please reach
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